Friday – The Most Superior Day of the Week

 Friday is a significant and the most special day for Muslims. It is even more important and advantageous than any alternate day of the week. It is the day when Muslims assemble in a religious community to worship Allah Almighty. Prior to the meditation, students pay attention to a presentation aimed to provide them with essential information about Allah and Islam. It is a good day that Allah Almighty, has declared as such that there is no other day of the week that could match the characteristics of Friday. Worship pervades a listener's entire existence; even festivities are done as a prayer to please Allah Almighty by following Sunnah. Although there is no unique location or opportunity to worship Allah, He has created certain moments, days, or periods more superior that can deliver the Muslims with some extra blessings. Friday is one such occasion when Muslims can have the chance to ask for mercy from Allah Almighty.

Deeds to Preform on Friday

Performing some deeds of kindness and cleanliness could be helpful for the Muslims to attain more benefits of the day as Allah Almighty showers his blessings on the individuals who follow Sunnah. Taking shower on Friday is considered the best action to keep oneself clean and neat. Similarly clipping the nails is also the act of being tidy. Muslims wear new clothes and apply fragrance that makes them look more presentable. Contributing to charities and offering prayers five times a day are also the best deeds to perform. Although perfuming these activities the whole week is beneficial but on Friday Allah Almighty increases his blessings and mercies on the Muslims. Similarly, reciting Quran Kareem on Friday is an advantageous act for Muslims to attain multiple rewards.

Performing Umrah on Friday

Executing the rituals of Umrah on Friday can help Muslims to be more closely connected to Allah Almighty and seek forgiveness for their sins. Muslims can avail the opportunity of the Ramadan Umrah packages to perform Umrah. There are various other Umrah packages that could be utilized to execute the deed. You can choose the dates that come around Friday so that you have more chances to attain the splendid blessings of Allah almighty. Muslims can also have the opportunity to customize their own Umrah packages that could range from 3-star to 5-star services and comfortable flights with affordable rates.                                                                                                                                                                                     


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